This year, the Minnesota Legislature passed a bill, exposing Minnesota managers to new notice and recordkeeping necessities. Beginning July 1, 2019, managers will currently be required to give a stated ” pay notice ” to employees at the start of employment.
This pay notice must incorporate the accompanying data:
The rate or rates of pay and basis thereof, including whether the employee is paid by the hour, shift, day, week, salary, piece, commission or other method, and the specific application of any additional rates;
Stipends, assuming any, guaranteed in accordance with allowed dinners and hotel;
Paid get-away, wiped out time, or other paid time-off accumulations and terms of utilization;
The worker’s business status and whether the representative is absolved from the lowest pay permitted by law, extra time, and different arrangements of compensation and hour laws, and on what premise;
A rundown of conclusions that might be produced using the worker’s compensation;
The quantity of days in the payroll interval, the consistently planned pay day and the compensation day on which the representative will get the primary installment of wages earned;
The lawful name of the business and the working name of the business if unique in relation to the lawful name;
The physical location of the business’ principle office or chief spot of business and a street number if extraordinary; and
The phone number of the business.
The notice must be in English (except if the worker demands the notice in another dialect), marked by the representative, and held by the business. On the off chance that there are any progressions to the data in the notice, managers must give workers notice of the progressions before the progressions produce results.
In addition to keeping copies of the wage notice, employers must also keep a record of “a list of the personnel policies provided to the employee,” including (1) the date the policies were given to the employee and (2) a brief description of the policies.
Likewise, Minnesota managers are as of now required to give workers gaining articulations each payroll interval. The new law, nonetheless, adds to the data that businesses must incorporate. The new required data incorporates the premise of pay (regardless of whether hourly, pay, piece rate, commission, and so forth.), any remittances for suppers or lodging, and the location and phone number of the business.
With the effective date for these requirements fast approaching, it is important for all Minnesota employers to review, understand, and make any appropriate changes to comply with the new law.
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