It’s reasonable to be concerned about COVID-19 and the numerous ways it has affected your life. Regardless of COVID-19, an accident can happen on your way to work or at the grocery store.
In the following essay, we will discuss how the Coronavirus may influence your personal injury case. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, you should still seek legal counsel. Please do not put off filing an accident or personal injury claim because of COVID-19.
Even if we are amid a pandemic, injury claims must still be handled. Even if your claim takes longer to complete than it did before the epidemic, the stringent deadlines and statute of limitations on when to launch a lawsuit remain the same. That implies you might lose your right to take legal action and seek compensation if you wait to submit a complaint due to COVID-19. And, during this epidemic, you should anticipate insurance companies to fight back even harder against your injury claims.
Your claims are more likely to be undervalued, which is why contacting a North Dakota personal injury lawyer is more vital than ever during this epidemic.
Personal Injury Law Case and Insurance Companies during Covid-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on nearly every aspect of our lives, including the personal injury claims procedure. Your personal injury lawyer, insurance companies, and the courts, like you, have had to adapt new habits and methods. However, many of the modifications that have been implemented will have the greatest impact on you as the claimant.
The Coronavirus might be influencing your case in a variety of ways, including:
- Added pressure to resolve your case
- Delays in the courtroom
- Medical treatment for injury unavailable or inconvenient
- Insurance premiums are being paid late or not at all.
- Income or job loss
- The majority of your interactions with your lawyer will be over the phone
Moving forward, it is predicted that insurance firms will be forced to guarantee their survivability by decreasing the compensation sums they give. This will make out-of-court settlements more difficult to negotiate; if the victims believe they are being under-compensated, they will most likely allow the case to proceed to trial.
Another issue that has arisen as a result of COVID-19 is that many defendants are uninsured. This is because they have stopped paying owing to a business slump. Others may have been compelled to declare bankruptcy. This makes obtaining settlements for plaintiffs’ claims more challenging. Judgment rewards may not be met as well.
So, What Should You Do?
Whether you were in an accident or believe that reckless and irresponsible activity contributed to your getting the new coronavirus, you must seek the compensation you are entitled to. The Autrey Law Firm specializes in personal injury cases and can guide you through the tough terrain.
Throughout the COVID-19 epidemic, we have been fully active, dealing with both existing and new patients. Our team is ready to answer your queries.