What are the Common Illnesses that can get misdiagnosed?

Technology has flourished immensely in recent years, and the healthcare sector has also taken advantage of technological development. It might seem obvious to many that diagnosing diseases is a cakewalk for healthcare professionals due to the advancement, but it is not true. Many cases get misdiagnosed and cost the life of the patient. According to statistics, almost 225000 patients lose their life annually when the doctor deviates from the standard treatment. 

Knowing the common type of high-risk disease that doctors misdiagnose is crucial to ensure you get the best treatment. If you have lost your closed ones because of misdiagnosis, you should contact a GF Personal Injury lawyer to act against the professionals.

Common High risk misdiagnosed disease

The most common misdiagnosed diseases are as follows.

  • Infections

Infections are among the top three diseases on this list. Various types of infections get misdiagnosed. A spinal abscess is the most common disease that gets misdiagnosed at first because doctors do not check for the symptoms, as it is a very rare condition. In this infection, the patient’s spinal cord gets compressed and often gets missed because of its rarity.

Lyme disease has symptoms like joint or muscle pain, fever, and fatigue. Ticks are the reason behind this infection. Bull’s eye rash is the primary symptom of this infection, but it may not be there every time, so it gets missed by the doctors.

So, next time if you have any similar symptoms, consider asking the doctor to check for these two infections as well.

  • Cancer

Cancer tops the list of misdiagnosed diseases. Like infections, some types of cancer diseases are often misdiagnosed, and Lymphoma cancer is the most common. The symptoms of the disease are not harsh and can get misdiagnosed as cold. The Lymphatic is the disease-fighting network of the human body. Hence, lymphoma cancer should be treated without delay.

Lung cancer is another type that is hard to diagnose because it develops slowly in the body and can be misjudged as bronchitis or asthma. Skin cancer can also be misjudged as various non-hazardous skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, etc.

  • Vascular events

Heart strokes are one of the top vascular events that get misdiagnosed, especially in people below age 45. It is seven times more in younger people than in older people over 45. Some symptoms are balance issues, confusion, fainting, intense headache, and a side of the face or limb weakening.

Consulting Attorney

If you have been misdiagnosed, consider consulting a GF Personal Injury lawyer. They will give the best advice to you for your next step and guide you through the process.

Final Thoughts These were the top three misdiagnosed diseases, but remember, all these are done inadvertently. Doctors do not misdiagnose a sickness intentionally. Hence you should consult a GF Personal Injury lawyer before you file a case against the doctor and prove their medical malpractice and how their breach of duty has caused you immense harm.